Rabu, 11 April 2012

What the government should do to stimulate students to read more books?

okay, before i start it, I’d like to introduce myself. I am Shindy, an ordinaru people,,

Reading.. do you think it’s a good hobby? Exactly. 113 percentage right. Right. Reading is even the window of the world. You see, the first word God send to the prophet Muhammad saw. fifteen centuries ago, was Iqro’ meaning read. The importance of reading is no longer debatable.

Ladies and gentlemen,
Have you ever been to Japan? I haven’t, but my uncle has. I was so impressed when he told me that Japanese love reading so much. They are easily found reading books, on train, buses, even in public places, such as town hall, bank, post office, when they queue up for the turns. People all over the world get the precious lesson from Japan, when the biggest earthquake hit this country a few month ago. What is the lesson? The awareness of all Japanese to work together, the readiness to help others, and the reliable government to manage the citizen. No riot, robbery, nor violence are shown on TV.
Japan is the model of Asian country which is respectful, thoughtful, and prosperous. What is the relationship between this attitude and reading? Reading allows us to absorb knowledge and activate our brain to think about the real world. It also builds strong characteristic to improve, awareness, and understanding. So, reading habits will result in better educated society. If we want to improve the quality of Indonesian people, government should establish the national movement of reading habits. Where to start and how is it?

Ladies and gentlemen,
Students play crucial role to determine the future nation, so they are strongly encourage to read a lot. Due to the low level of economy in average, government should facilitate them to read more books. In what way? I guess, government should provide more books with qualified materials. Public library should be extended to reach sub district. Moving libraries must be increase both in frequency and quality.
More importantly, government has to campaign the culture of reading habits through electronic and printed media. The advertisement on TV is made in such a way that people from all levels can catch the massage.
If possible, send some experts to do research in Japan, to investigate, how Japanese government support people to read. The result of the research then is applied here. Stop corruption, use the corrupted money to cooperate with publisher to produce more books which inspire most people, to improve the quality of live.
Well, this is big homework for the government. Serious action is greatly expected. So reading became part of this life. Thank you for your attention.

Love You Always Guys..